
Calling All Volunteers!

We invite you to share your time and talents by serving in our various ministries. Your gifts can make a difference!

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." – 1 Peter 4:10

Sign up today and be a blessing! Follow this link: https://kotahiano.infoodle.com/f/CHSVolunteerSignUp

Please contact the Parish Office: office@pncathedral.org.nz


What to do 

Who are we looking for? 

Welcome and Hospitality 

  • Greet parishioners and visitors before and after Sunday Mass and special events. 

  • Assisting with seating if needed.

  • Set up and serve tea, coffee, and food after Sunday Masses and Special events. 

Everyone who is called to this ministry. 

Mass Coordination 

  • Prepare Bread and Wine for Mass. 

  • Set up the Altar before Mass. 

  • Make sure the Church is ready for Mass. 

  • Ensure other ministers (ushers, Altar servers, lectors, extraordinary Eucharistic ministers) are present and ready.

  •  Oversee the congregation: answer questions, handle emergencies, and fill in for any unfilled positions. 

  • Secure the Church: After the Mass, turn off the lights, candles, audio and video systems, and heating systems, and lock the church if needed.

  • Local and active parishioners who regularly come to Mass.

Cleaning our churches 

  • Make sure the church is tidy and free from rubbish and clutter.

  • Vacuuming the Church weekly. 

Anyone who is called to this ministry. 

Holy Communion to the Sick and Elderly 

  • Bring Communion to those unable to attend Mass. 

  • Local and active parishioners who regularly come to Mass.

Readers at Mass

  • Proclaim the Scripture readings at Mass. 

  • Read the welcoming and notices before and after Mass. 

  • Anyone who is called to this ministry. 

Altar Servers 

Support the priests at the Altar: 

  • Carry the Cross 

  • Helping with Incense

  • Helping set up the Altar during Mass. 

  • Bringing up the liturgical books, among other things. 

  • Children who have received Holy Communion. 

  • Age: 9–15 years old.   

Christmas Decoration 

  • Plan, organize, and decorate the Church for Christmas celebrations.

  • Anyone who is called to this ministry. 

  • Electricians to ensure health and safety. 

  • Designers for planning the decoration. 


Social Media and Newsletter Ministry

  • Capture (Video, Photo) of community events

  • Write and edit content for the newsletter, Facebook, and social media channels.

  • Update and maintain our media channels.

  • Anyone who is called to this ministry.

  • Anyone with a background in communication, website designing, creating content, editing, photography, videography, etc.

Mass Times & Directions