Church News (5th Sunday of Lent – Yr A)

26 March 2023
5th Sunday of Lent – Year A

Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading – Ezekiel 37.12-14
2nd Reading – Romans 8.8-11
Gospel Reading – John 11.1-45
Responsorial Psalm: “With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.”

Memorial Acclamation
Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection, you have set us free.

Fr Craig Butler’s Update of Removal of Restrictions Letter.


Need to know what is happening during Lent?

Click here to find out – includes our Holy Week Timetable


To sign up for our online newsletter – click here:


We Pray For
Our deceased:
RIP: Anne Pedersen

May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Like the seed buried in the ground, you have produced the harvest of eternal life for us; make us always dead to sin and alive to God. Amen

Mass Intentions:
Kay Sloan (A), and Hannah Jo Lyon (A)

We pray for those in our community who need our prayers:
Dot Bowe, Helen Donovan, Mary Bennett, Tulita and David Hobbs.

Dear Friends of our parishes. My family and I would like to thank you very much for your prayerful support and compassion at the recent passing of our loved Barney. By sending a card, phone call, baking or attendance at his Requiem Mass has been a great source of comfort to us all. We miss him dearly, but take comfort in knowing he is now at peace. Please may you accept this as a personal acknowledgment. Love from Eileen O’Connor and family.

Additional Tuesday Mass during Lent
Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Tuesday Evening (during Lent) – 5.30 pm (10 am Mass remains and 12.05 at the Cathedral).

Mass, Prayer, & Liturgy Times
Includes information on Adoration times, Stations of the Cross and Taize prayer – Online Link

Blessing of new School Principal and Board Chair at St James. Thanks to all who attended this special Mass for the blessing of Christine Cosgrove (Principal) and Chris McPhee (Board Chair) last Sunday during the 9.30 am Mass at the Cathedral.

Paschal Candle
St James’ Learning Space 6 are preparing the Paschal or Easter Candle for the Vigil at the Cathedral on Easter Sunday morning.
The Learners are working with their teacher to decorate the Easter Candle. The Learners will present the Paschal candle at the 12.05 pm Mass in the Cathedral on 5 April. Everyone welcome.

Easter Sunday
If your whanau/family are local this Easter, we would love you to come along to our Holy week and Easter services. If you come to Easter Sunday (9 April) Mass at either the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit or Our Lady of Lourdes at 9.30 am we will be having a shared morning tea afterwards to celebrate so please bring a plate of food to share. See you there!!

Youth Ministry Information – For all information please click here
Senior Youth Group is on Wednesday 29th March in the Whare at Saint Peter’s College 5:30pm-7:30pm. Years 9-13 students welcome, the session always starts with kai and interactive games so bring a friend and come along! For any information contact Tausilia MOB:021509439 Email:

St Vincent de Paul (The Vinnies)
SVDP Conference Meetings is held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Please note the change of venue for the next meeting – McManus Room in St Pat’s Hall. For more information please phone Rose Semmens 021 153 4810.
Thank you for your continuing support of our food store. The demand for food is constant as rising costs affect the community.
If you prefer to make a monetary donation our account is 03-0718-0047377-000. For a receipt for donations made over $5 please email your details to Maurice Kerr, SVDP Treasurer,

St Vinnies Op Shop
Shop hours are: Tuesday- Friday 10 am – 4 pm & Saturday 9 am – 3 pm.
Our need at present is warm winter clothing, especially warm jackets and warm blankets to keep out the cold.
Looking for quality second hand goods at competitive prices? Check out our store.
Volunteers are still needed to assist in the shop. Please phone Toni 06 357 6779 for information.

Holy Week Music Practices for Singer and Musicians.

Chrism Mass Music Practice
Thursday 23 March 7 pm and Thursday 30 March 7 pm.
Musician and singers gather at 11.15am on 4 April in the Cathedral.
Chrism Mass at midday on April 4th

Holy Thursday Mass Music Practice
At Our Lady of Lourdes on Monday 27 March at 7 pm and on Monday 3rd April at 7 pm.
Singers gather at 6.30pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Church on April 6th.
Holy Thursday Mass,  April 6, 7 pm at Our Lady of Lourdes for Cathedral and Lourdes parishes.

Good Friday, Music Practice
Practices for the Cathedral on Thursday 30 March at 7 pm and on Friday 7 April at 2 pm.
Musicians and singer please arrive at 2pm at the Cathedral.
Good Friday Service April 7 at 3pm. Good Friday Music Practice Lourdes – TBC.

The Paschal Vigil Music Practice
The Paschal Vigil is for both the Cathedral and Our Lady of Lourdes parishes.
Practice at the Cathedral on Tuesday 4 April at 6,30 pm. Singers and musicians please arrive at 4.30am at the Cathedral. This year the Cathedral and Our Lady of Lourdes will combine to celebrate Holy Thursday Mass and the Paschal Vigil.
Musicians and singers are invited from both parishes to join together. For more information on music practice please contact Julie Randall at

Paschal Vigil for the Cathedral, Our Lady of Lourdes and St Mary’s Foxton, 9 April 5.00 am at the Cathedral

St Joseph’s Shannon 60 year Jubilee of opening
The Parish of St Mary’s Foxton and the community at St Joseph’s Shannon invite all parishioners to attend the Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday April 23rd at 10am. St Joseph’s was opened by Cardinal McKeefry in 1963. There will be no 10.30am Mass in Foxton on this Sunday. The Mass for the Parish will be in Shannon at 10am. All attending are invited to bring a plate to share.

Cyclone Gabrielle Relief – please see the website for further details – click here

Please diarise these events

Eucharistic Ministers Workshop
Our Lady of Lourdes 29 March at 5.15 pm – for more information contact Fr Joe –

Readers Workshop
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit 29 March at 7.00 pm – for more information contact Meg de Joux –

Christian Funeral Workshop
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Session 2, 28 March at 5.15 pm, Cathedral Lounge – for more information contact Julie Randall –

Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship
St Mary’s Palmerston North 28 March at 7.00 pm, church foyer. Prayer, praise and supper to finish. for more information contact John Hammond –

Children’s Reconciliation
Our Lady of Lourdes 30 March at 5.30 pm – for more information contact Donna Brown –

City-wide Rite II Reconciliation
St Mary’s Palmerston North 30 March at 7.00 pm – for more information contact Sue Learmouth –

Voice for Life
Please join Voice for Life for a prayer vigil on 25 March, the Feast of the Annunciation, at the Women’s Clinic on the corner of Church & Ruahine Streets to pray against the abortion of the unborn children.

Passion Mediation based on the Seven Last Words of Christ
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit 5 April at 7.30 pm. Readings from scripture and anthems sung by Camerata (Women’s Chamber Choir) – for more information contact Julie Randall – Please be advised that there will be no Taize on this Wednesday as they will be joining in the Passion Mediation – for more information contact Br Kevin Dobbyn –

Catholic Focus on Faith and Politics Series 2023
Come along and join the Young Adult community and go deeper on contemporary politics and faith issues. Poster Link. Diocese centre, 33 Amesbury Str, Wednesday 14 June, Wednesday 23 August and Wednesday 18 October. For more information contact Br Kevin Dobbyn, or 021 755 270.

Fixed Events
Ladies Movie Afternoon
Every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1.30 pm here in the Cathedral Lounge.

Blokes Morning Tea
Every 2nd Tuesday of each month at Manawatu Golf Club Café, Centennial Lagoon (pay your own only).
Every 4th Tuesday of the month at 10.00 am in the Cathedral Lounge (morning tea provided).

Wednesday Mass and Morning Tea at Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Every Wednesday morning, 10 am Mass followed by morning tea in Our Lady of Lourdes Foyer.

Shining Stars (Pre-school Music Group)
Every Thursday morning (during school term time), 9.30am in the Cathedral lounge for a Music Session followed by morning tea. Everyone is most welcome!

Christian Meditation
If you are interested in learning about Christian Meditation or being part of a meditation group, we currently meditate at Te Rau Aroha: The Diocesan Centre (33 Amesbury St) on Monday evenings at 7pm. Young and old, all are welcome. If you need more information, please contact Sean Ryan on 027 449-6506 or 😊