4 June 2023
The Most Holy Trinity – Year A
Cathedral Update – please note the new changes:
The Cathedral Nave is closed indefinitely, but we now have access to the Cathedral Foyer and Lounge – where weekday Masses and events will resume this Tuesday 6 June 2023.
Cathedral Weekday Mass Times and Venue – Resume!
Tuesday to Friday 12.05 pm Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Lounge
Saturday 9.00 am Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Lounge
Sunday Mass times:
Saturday 5.30 pm Our Lady of Lourdes
Sunday 7.30 am Our Lady of Lourdes
Sunday 9.00 am St Mary’s Ruahine Street (please note the time change and church)
Sunday 9.30 am Our Lady of Lourdes
Sunday 6.00 pm Our Lady of Lourdes
Reconciliation times:
Friday 10.30 am (after 10.00 am Mass) Our Lady of Lourdes
Friday 11.30 am (before 12.05pm Mass) Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Lounge
Saturday 9.30 am (after 9.00 am Mass) Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Lounge
Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading – Exodus 34.4b-6, 8-9
2nd Reading – 2 Corinthians 13.11-13
Gospel Reading – John 3.16-18
Responsorial Psalm: “Glory and praise for ever.”
Memorial Acclamation – Save us Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.
To sign up for our online newsletter – click here: http://eepurl.com/ibNznj
We Pray For
Our deceased
RIP: Dad of Therresa Logan, Fr Manus Lyons, Bruce Rockell, Adam Peterson Odogwu, Trevor Simcock, John Marquet, and Fr Tom Keyes (Invercargill)
Mass Intentions
Vivian Simcock (RIP 06/03/23), Trevor Simcock (RIP 16/05/23), James Obben (A25/05), Darwin Nelson (A25/05) and Jane Obben (A04/06)
We pray for those in our community who need our prayers:
Emma Whitson, Dot Bowe, Mary Bennett, Tulita and David Hobbs.
Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion
Is held every Monday at 12.05 pm, in the Diocese boardroom until further notice, entry is through the Cathedral Parish Office.
Church Life Survey
Fr Craig Butler on behalf of the Catholic Bishops Conference is asking our Diocesan churches to take part in this survey process which happens every 5 years in census year. This initiative is a nationwide ecumenical survey that captures parishioners feedback for local and national church, providing a parish snapshot of who we are, that could potentially be used to inform priorities and help with decision-making at a parish, Diocesan and national level.
In the future, comparisons across census years will show changes to our faith communities. It covers topics such as demographics, growth in faith, commitment to our parish’s vision and community, our relationship to society, reaching out to others, caring for young people, and attitudes towards leadership.
Participation throughout the Diocese is scheduled for 6-20 June 2023. On Monday 5 June at 1.00 pm an email will be sent out with all the relevant links for you to access the survey. For more information, please contact Kathleen Field on 021 509 436.
Youth Ministry Information – For all information please click here.
Donation Tax Receipt Update
Printed tax receipts can be found in Our Lady of Lourdes and St Mary’s Foxton/Shannon’s church foyers.
Emailed tax receipts was sent out Tuesday 23 May around 11.30 am. If you do not find your tax receipts in your inboxes, please check your spam or junk mail inboxes. If you have any queries about your donation tax receipts, or have not received it, please do not hesitate to contact accounts at accounts@pncathedral.org.nz. Thank you for all for your patience in waiting for your tax receipts, it was very much appreciated.
The June/July 2023 combined edition, scheduled for distribution this week to parishes and schools for Sunday 4 June, will now be printed on Monday 19 June for Sunday 25 June. FYI – this change of date is so WelCom’s news coverage of Archbishop Paul Martin’s installation, Saturday 17 June, can be covered immediately in WelCom, rather than waiting for our August edition.
St James School – 65th Jubilee
We invite all past and present students, staff, families and supporters to celebrate on 10 September 2023 this wonderful occasion. Please register your interest at office@stjamescatholic.school.nz.
St Vincent de Paul (The Vinnies)
SVDP Conference Meetings is held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 5.15pm in the Cathedral but please be advised that the meeting on 13 June at 5.15pm – Venue to be advised. For more information please phone Rose Semmens 021 153 4810.
Food is in constant demand as the colder weather approaches, we are especially needing breakfast cereals, coffee, Milo, pasta and sauces.
Thank you for your continued donations. If you prefer to make a monetary donation our account is 03-0718-0047377-000. For a receipt for donations made over $5 please email your details to Maurice Kerr, SVDP Treasurer, bernandmaurice@gmail.com.
St Vinnies Op Shop
Shop hours are: Tuesday- Friday 10 am – 4 pm & Saturday 9 am – 3 pm.
Urgently looking for clean warm winter clothing and winter bedding! There is a constant demand for all of these at present. Thanking you in advance. Volunteers are still needed to assist in the shop. Please phone Toni 06 357 6779 for information.
Our Lady of Lourdes Guild
The AGM of the Guild will be held on Wednesday 7 June at 1.30 pm in Our Lady of Lourdes Gathering area. All welcome.
Voice for Life
“To educate and inform; to value and protect the gift of all human life”. Become a member – Voice for Life Palmerston North – https://www.facebook.com/VFLPalmy or email: vflpalmerstonnorth@gmail.com.
Public Trust – Page Trust
The Page Trust is having a call for applications for 2023. To be eligible for a grant, the organisation must be either charitable or educational in nature. Applications open from 1 June at 9.00 am and closes 4 August at 5.00 pm. For more info: https://www.publictrust.co.nz/grants/page-trust/.
Hibernian Meeting Update
The next Hibernian meeting is now delayed until Saturday 3rd June, due to the closure of the Cathedral. We have a venue: The Clark Residence, 44 Ihaka Street, Hokowhitu, Palmerston North. If you are a member of the Hibernians, please consider attending the meeting so that we have sufficient attendance for a quorum. Contact secretary Richard Law (richard.m.law@gmail.com) if you need more information.
Catholic Focus on Faith and Politics Series 2023
Come along and join the Young Adult community and go deeper on contemporary politics and faith issues. Poster Link. Diocese centre, 33 Amesbury Str, Wednesday 14 June, Wednesday 23 August and Wednesday 18 October. For more information contact Br Kevin Dobbyn, kdobbyn@pndiocese.org.nz or 021 755 270.
RDC Climate Action Group
Webinar Series to be held from 14 June to 5 July, which aim to give hope, inspire and educate the public, encouraging action in the face of Climate Change. They have been organised by the Religious Diversity Centre (RDC) Climate Action Group with the theme, ‘E tū mana o Te Ao, Building a Climate of Hope’. Click the link more information and registration details – Webinar Info.
Catholic Theological College
CTC is offering a course on Catholic Social Teaching – for more information click here: TH504 Catholic Social Teaching.
Christian Meditation
If you are interested in learning about Christian Meditation or being part of a meditation group, we currently meditate at Te Rau Aroha: The Diocesan Centre (33 Amesbury St) on Monday evenings at 7pm. Young and old, all are welcome. If you need more information, please contact Sean Ryan on 027 449-6506 or sdr4412@gmail.com 😊
Pastor’s Desk:
Pastor’s Desk
Weekly Themes:
Cathedral Update
More Links:
Mass Times
Pastoral Outreach
Find us on Facebook:
Cathedral Facebook page
Foxton Facebook page
Our Lady of Lourdes Facebook page