Church News 15 December 2024

15 December 2024

3rd Sunday of Advent – (Gaudete Sunday)

Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading –Zephaniah 3.14-18a
2nd Reading –Philippians 4.4-7
Gospel Reading –   Luke 3.10-18
Responsorial Psalm “Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.”

Eucharistic Acclamation “Save us, Savior of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.”


We Pray For Our recently departed, RIP: 

Fr Don Cowan (Auckland), Mary Therese Brownley, Fr Geoff Gray (ChCh, 29/11), Sr Mary Tait (PBVM), Dorrie Lewis (Whanganui), Fr Mervyn McGettigan (Dunedin 28/11), Melville Webb (11/27), Maureen McArdle (21/11), Anne Beckett (7/11), Julie McDonald (5/11)

Mass Intentions/Anniversaries: 

Ashvin Rohit, Ian Matson (13/12), Vanessa Bishop (2/12), Darren Wright (30/11), John O’Brien (4/11), Dan O’Donoghue (25/11)


We Pray For those in our community who need our prayers:

Judith Wall, Kathleen Sheridan, Bishop Owen Dolan, Harvey Gunn, Belinda Blackler, Nicky Burmeister, Ann Toomey, Patricia Lowe, Janet Anderson, Maurice McDonald, Mikulas Oros, Rod and Mary Bennett, Betty Donaldson, Sr Helena Fouhy, Dianne Jordan, Angela Marlow, Michael and Mary O’Connor, Maurice Takarangi, Gye Beehre, Peter Angland, Chloe Young and May Young




There will be prayer teams offering prayer after each Cathedral Mass during Advent on Sundays.  They will remain in the church after the liturgy and will be wearing name badges so you can identify them easily.  Please feel free to remain in the Cathedral after the Mass if you wish to receive prayer from the team.

  • We want our parish to be known as a “Welcoming Parish”– Christmas Masses provide us with an ideal time to demonstrate our commitment to this. We invite all parishioners to come on board with this initiative. We need People to:
    • 1) Welcome people at the door.
    • 2) Experience our outstanding hospitality during and after Mass,
    • 3) To take home a package of gifts to express our love.

To make this a success we need you all to sign up to either be a part of the Welcome Team, the Hospitality Team, or the Welcome Package Team. There are sign up sheets in the foyer to fill in today.

  • Wednesday Evening Rosary Wednesday evenings at 5 pm, you are invited to pray the Rosary. For further information, contact Ian Sutherland 06- 356- 7555
  • Praying the Sunday Gospel is held every Friday in the Parish Office Meeting Room at 11 am.  This is a time for quiet contemplation and reflection on the Gospel.
  • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament of the Cathedral is on Monday-Friday, 7.30 am to 9 am and Friday, 6 pm to 7 pm.
  • Anointing Masses: Our Lady of Lourdes Wednesday, 4 December at 10 am followed by hospitality.
  • Our Lady of Lourdes Mass Times: Saturday Vigil 5.30 pm Sunday 9.30 am Wednesday-Friday 10 am Friday Rosary, 9.30 am Reconciliation after Mass & Exposition until 12 pm.
  • Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Mass Times: Sunday 7.30 am, 9.30 am and 6pm, Tuesday – Friday 12.05 pm, Tuesday 5.30 pm and Saturday 9 am. Reconciliation before Mass on Friday and after Mass on Friday and after Mass on Saturday.
  • Christmas Mass Timetable Copies available online or in the church foyer.
  • PLEASE MARK YOUR DIARIES – Rite 2 city-wide Reconciliation, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Thursday 19 December at 7 pm.


Desert Voices

(Luke 3: 10  18)

The people around John are odd. What seems to attract them is who he is not: not the anointed Saviour of Israel, not Elijah come to announce the end of the world, not the great prophet the Samaritans were expecting. But the evangelist John also tells us who the Baptist is: the testimony to the great light to follow.

What is your life’s testimony? Does it proclaim fidelity, honesty, generosity? If you had to name ten things you stand for, would any of them be holy? These are hard questions. If I pose them to myself, my answer is wishy-washy: depends on when you ask. Some days are less exemplary than others. Sometimes I’m a shining example of Christian virtue, and I wish my Mum were here to see me. Other times I’m grateful she isn’t and wish no one was. John the Baptist, cousin of Jesus and the fruit of a miracle birth, may have had a head start on his testimony. Or maybe he had to work out all the bugs like the rest of us in the years before he turned up at the Jordan.

But the truth is: whatever our origins, they can’t be an excuse for who we are or are not, “what we’ve done, or failed to do.” John’s desert voice summons me to train mine, to learn to present another clear testimony to the light.

Describe one element of your Christian witness that is particularly strong. What part of your witness needs work?


Spirit of the living God, speak your word to us in this time of worship. Fill us with true joy – the joy that comes from knowing you; the joy that comes from feeling your justice come to life in our midst; the joy that comes as we truly prepare our hearts as a dwelling place for the Messiah. Amen.


How do you refine your “desert voice,” your independence from the temptations of a secular worldview? Consider a time of retreat, an afternoon of recollection, or a regular practice of prayer and meditation to keep you “in the desert.”

Kid’s Corner

“Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise.” (Luke 3: 11)

Do you have some good clothes that you can spare or that you no longer need? Go on a treasure hunt in your cupboard and drawers, and see what you might give away. Somewhere, there is a child you needs what you have. Somewhere, someone doesn’t have a coat to keep them warm or shoes to protect their feet. Will you help by sharing what you have? Share your joy with someone this week.

Thank you, Jesus, for teaching me how to love. Amen.






Interfaith relations is an important aspect of our Catholic life and work. The Palmerston North Interfaith Group works together to foster friendship between people of other faiths, working towards social cohesion and whakawhānaungatanga in our space. Since Vatican II, Interfaith Dialogue has such an importance that it has its own designated Vatican Dicastery. We are running visits to various sacred spaces in our area. All are welcome to come along and visit these spaces. If you are interested in finding out more about Interfaith collaboration, friendship and work here in Palmy, please talk to Julie Randall or Nick Wilson.

Pope Francis’ message for 2024:  Search under Prayer for Creation at

Christmas Dues Special Collection

Many thanks to parishioners who in the past have contributed to the Christmas Dues/Offerings Special Collection. The Special Collection planned giving envelopes gifted on Christmas Day are for this collection. The collection is given to the Clergy Trust Fund to support the priests of the Diocese. There are also specially marked envelopes in the foyer, or alternatively please pay by direct credit (Cathedral of the Holy Spirit:  02-0630-0288037-01 Our Lady of Lourdes: 02-0630-0288037-18) your name as payee, and ‘Dues’ as reference. Your support and help is always appreciated!  The blessing of Christmas be with you all and your loved ones.

Fr. Brian Walsh (Chairman of the Clergy Trust Fund)

An Invitation from Monsignor Brian Walsh:

Parishioners and friends are invited to celebrate my 50th year of Ordination with Thanksgiving Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Palmerston North, on Sunday 18 May 2025 at 2.30 pm. Everyone is then invited for hospitality in the Diocesan rooms after the Mass. I hope this early notice enables everyone to mark their calendars for next year!

Our Lady of Lourdes Guild: The Christmas raffle result is: 1st Prize: Debbie Case and 2nd Prize: Sherein 1B Wood St. Winners have been notified. Thank you all for your support. Happy Christmas!

St Joseph Church Shannon: We will be celebrating mass at St Joseph’s church Shannon at 7pm Christmas Eve followed by Christmas cake & refreshments. All welcome. Shannon faith community. Nellie McKenzie 0274717050

Syro-Malankara Mass: at Cathedral 5.30 pm Saturday 14 December

St Vincent de Paul Christmas Stars: Please help the Society of St Vincent de Paul and our local community by picking up a star or two from the Cathedral Christmas tree. This can be found in the foyer. Please return the equivalent food item(s) and place them under the tree. A BIG thank you for all your contributions. This is a beautiful way that we can support our community.

St Vincent de Paul Society: We take this opportunity to most sincerely thank everyone who has donated food and money throughout this year. Your generosity has allowed us to continue our mission of helping the needy families in our Palmerston North community.  Our members will take a break starting next week and will be back from md-January.  Wishing you all a happy and blessed Christmas.

St Vinnie’s Op Shop:  The shop will close on Saturday 14 December and reopen on Tuesday 14 January 2025. Thank you to all for your help and support during the past year. We wish you a Happy Christmas and a relaxing holiday time.

There will be a devotional stall available after each Mass in the Gathering Area to buy Calendars, Christmas Cards etc. and Bible Diaries are available. Cash or eftpos.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE: 30 May – 15 June 2025 (Tentative Dates) Medjugorje is not just a pilgrimage, it’s an immersion experience into a rhythm of prayer; in a setting steeped in the Lord’s peace.    This past month, the apparition site of Medjugorje was approved by the Vatican; “parishioners are called to believe and to visit.”  Having now experienced 2 pilgrimages to Medjugorje myself, I’m experiencing a calling to bring others to this Holy place.    If you have heard, been curious, or know nothing about Medjugorje, perhaps you are praying for a conversion of heart for someone, or you are wanting to deepen your own commitment to prayer life; then Mary is extending an invitation to you to come to Medjugorje. I will be taking a small group (10-12) on a 10 day experience of prayer, joy and peace.  This will not be a holiday nor a sightseeing adventure.   It will be a full pilgrimage with immersion into Daily Mass, Daily Adoration, Prayer, Rosary, Reflection and Fasting.   A once in a lifetime opportunity to say“YES” to deepening your relationship with Mary and Jesus.  If you would like to join this pilgrimage, or find out more details/costings call Celia Thomas on 027 3250 169.  I am praying you will respond to Mary’s calling.

For Sale – Items available to purchase are located in the Cathedral foyer and/or OLOL foyer (by the TV).  Please place your money in the slot provided.  Thank you.

Columban calendars at $13.00

Christmas cards sold per pack at $6.00

Daily Mass calendar 2025 at $6.00

Bible Diaries at $20 to be paid online.

Tui Motu – $7.00

Viewpoint: Viewpoint
Weekly Themes: Latest
More Links: Mass Times and Pastoral Outreach
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