20 June 2021
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B
Ecclesia semper reformda est – the Church is always being reformed, or the Church always needs renewal. Change is not our enemy; it is the reality of life, and it brings new opportunities. Retirement brings many opportunities for family time and service in new modes. [showhide]
Kate McNamara, Pastoral Life Coordinator at Our Lady of Lourdes, is about to retire from Pastoral Ministry after many years of service as Parish Secretary and, latterly, Pastoral Life Coordinator. Before coming to Lourdes, Kate served as Citywide Youth Minister. Kate’s many years of diaconal service have blessed our Catholic community in Palmerston North, and for this, we are incredibly grateful—me perhaps more than most for Kate’s guidance and wisdom.
Retirement was planned for the end of 2020, but Covid put paid to plans, and Kate generously agreed to take on the new role of Pastoral Life Coordinator and usher in a new position at Lourdes parish. Since then, our cooperation as the three parishes of Kotahi Ano has grown. Now we are taking another step in the direction of cooperation. The parish leadership committees and diocesan leaders have agreed to establish a new role of Pastoral Life Coordinator for Our Lady of Lourdes and the Cathedral parishes based at Lourdes Church. This role is advertised below (see Special notices).
This role is a partnership between our parishes and has 4 key foci:
- Hospitality
- Support, nurture and develop lay ministry.
- Develop ministry to schools through chaplaincy at St James’ and Our Lady of Lourdes Schools and nurture our excellent relationship with St Peter’s College.
- Develop our parish ministry to children, young people and their families through a new Preference Process and Catechesis for children in state schools.
The pastoral work of the parish is the work of many people. As we evolve in our cooperation, we need to ensure that everyone can access the pastoral support of the parish, which is not the work of one person alone; it is the work of the community, though individuals are tasked with its leadership and administration.
As we are three cooperating parishes with three pastoral faces, this new role will build on the relationships within each parish and between them. Keeping our pastoral faces active and vibrant is a key challenge, but one worth having.
As Kate McNamara retires, she ushers in a new phase. We will gather at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish on August 1 at the 9.30 am Mass to thank Kate and share time with her.
Of course, Kate’s days of ministry are not over yet! I have her phone number on speed-dial!
By Fr Joe Grayland [/showhide]
If you would like to keep up to date with the latest, please register your details online at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit or Our Lady of Lourdes websites.
Please include your Surname, Christian name, Email address, Cell and Landline numbers, and Street address and which parish you belong to.
Alternatively, you can email the above details to office@pncathedral.org.nz, Please put “Registering my details with you” in the subject line.
Sunday Mass Times:
Our Lady of Lourdes: Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm & Sunday Mass: 9:30am
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: 7:30am, 9:30am & 6:00pm
St Mary’s Foxton: 10:30am
Sacred Heart Rongotea: Every 1st & 3rd Sunday 9:00am
St Joseph’s Shannon: Every 2nd & 4th Sunday 9:00am
Prayer Intentions
We Pray for Our Deceased: RIP: Katherine Fleming & Gary Hoy
Mass intentions:
Robert Roland Lauvi (A18/06) and Don Watts (1stAnn)
Carol Miers is in a serious condition in the Auckland hospital with a brain haemorrhage. Please remember Carol and Gary Miers and their family in your prayers.
For those that do not know Carol, she was Bishop Peter’s secretary for many years prior to Margaret Broderick
[showhide type = “PrayForUs”]
Carol Miers, Kathleen Butturini, Bernice OBeirne, Barbara & Graeme Younger, Bernadette Conlon, Beula Aitkin, Bridget Beckett, Clive Robinson, Chris Kleinsman, David Maeguard, Diane Stubbs, Deborah Green, Dorothy Speller, Evie Feierabend, Fiona Hurly, Graham Ryan, Ian Sutherland, Jesus Orendain, Joey Fohn, Josie Conlon, June MacMillan, Julie (Auckland), Hazel Probyn, Kay Fran, Kelly Clifton, Kerry Hocquard, Kia Reyes, Ludwig Gertzgrasser, Margaret Lambeth, Marian Carey, Mary Mainwaring, Mikulas Oros, Michael Quirk, Pat Kauri, Nicola Burmeister, Peter Morrison-Story, Pippa Richards, Patricia Harvey (Aus), Patrick Tobin, Raymond Jones, Rebecca Lauvi, Steve Horgan, Tony Murphy, Tony Nicholls, Tony Winchcombe, Vinnie Carroll, William Lemmon, Anna & John Feldberg, Margaret & John Maskill, Tyler & Allan (Foxton), Ruth Pentland & Lynn Nelmes. [/showhide]
Special Notices
[showhide type = “JobDesc”]
This exciting opportunity in Palmerston North is for Our Lady of Lourdes and the Cathedral parishes. The Pastoral Life Coordinator is a full-time paid position (40 hours per week over seven days. This includes office hours at Lourdes parish Tuesday through Friday). You will be a member of the Kotahi Ano Pastoral Team…
We’re looking for:
- An individual with strong relationship management skills and a love for people.
- A person with significant experience in pastoral ministry, parish ministry or pastoral care.
- An individual who can manage the delivery of pastoral ministries to parishioners and support all forms of lay ministry.
- An individual with proven relationship management skills and strong written and verbal skills.
- A person committed to lay ministry and its growth.
A person with a demonstrated pastoral understanding of Catholic theology.
The role holder may also deliver theological training or teaching, but this is not required. The successful applicant must be able to manage the delivery of programmes.
What you’ll do:
- Coordinate all pastoral ministry delivery to parishioners across the parishes.
- Manage our sacramental programme delivery.
- Be the chaplain to St James and Our Lady of Lourdes Schools.
- Participate in the liturgical and pastoral life of both parishes.
- Nurture and develop our preference process.
- Ensure catechesis for children in State Schools is available.
- Nurture and support lay-ministry and lay ministers and develop a new ministry where necessary.
You will need your own vehicle and full drivers’ license, skills in Microsoft Office and Teams, high proficiency in verbal and written communication. If this is an opportunity for you, please email priest@lourdesparish.nz for a complete job description.
[showhide type = “thankyou”]
Thank you for your generous donations!
Online Donations can be made through the below mentioned bank account numbers.
For Planned Giving, please contact the parish office 06 357 2891 or office@pncathedral.org.nz for a Planned Giving Number which you use for your Code.
(Particulars): Surname & Initial, (Reference): Parish & (Code): PG no.
For Special Collection online donations:
(Particulars): Surname & Initial, (Reference): Holy Places (or) Easter Sunday (or) Caritas etc (Code): PG no.
Cathedral: 02-0630-0288037-01
Our Lady of Lourdes: 02-0630-0288037-18
St Mary’s Foxton: 02-0630-0288037-07
Caritas Aotearoa NZ: 03-0518-0211216-00
[showhide type = “VFL”]
Sign this Petition: Repeal the Abortion Legislation Act 2020. Our Parliament may have forgotten the unborn and their often-vulnerable mothers, but we will not. We will continue to call for justice in the face of this extreme law. We, the undersigned, call on the House of Representatives to Repeal the Abortion Legislation Act 2020. We need 100,000 signatures. Only 5402 (04/06/21) people have signed the petition so far. https://www.voiceforlife.org.nz/petition
Every Friday at 9.40am the Rosary is prayed at Our Lady of Lourdes for the end to the pandemic. Mass follows at 10am, Exposition from 10.30 to Noon and Reconciliations 10.30-11am. All are welcome to spend this time in prayer.
We warmly invite all of you to come and join us to in Solidarity with the Pope, praying for the World (especially for India) as we pray for an end to this on-going Pandemic. Indian Marian Eucharistic Ministry is inviting us to join them every Monday 4pm to 7pm at Our Lady of Lourdes, 96 Shamrock Street, to spend time in prayer through the Rosary, Word of God, and Adoration
Pray the Rosary at St. Mary’s Foxton every Friday at 11am
All Welcome!
We are still under Alert Level 1 and remind people to:
Scan in
Use the hand sanitiser
Communion under one kind and we ask that you do not ask for communion on the tongue.
To ensure we keep everyone safe, we ask that you continue with the above practices.
St Vincent de Paul Society:
Furniture is still in High Demand, so good quality goods needed, the only thing we have a lot of is single Beds. Our winter clothing is getting low so please keep them coming. A BIG thank you for our books they go out fast in winter.
St Vinnies is also needing volunteers, if you are interested in becoming a St Vinnies Volunteer, please contact Toni Bidois 06 357 6779 for an interview. Thank you!
To donate to SVDP, The Society of St Vincent de Paul bank account number for donations is: 03 0718 0047377 00. Please provide your name and email address as the reference for receipting purposes. Thank you and God bless
NZ Catholic has published a special Vocations Issue, which has been available at Auckland diocesan parishes. If you live outside Auckland or missed your parish copy, you can read the PDF version. As Bishop of Auckland Pat Dunn says: “There are some wonderful, heart-warming stories in this issue from those who have followed God’s call to serve in many different ways!”
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B
1st Reading – Job 38.1-4, 8-11
2nd Reading – 2 Corinthians 5.14-17
Gospel Reading – Mark 4.35-41
Responsorial Psalm
Give thanks to the Lord, God’s love is everlasting.
This Sunday’s readings and in particular, the first reading and the Gospel gave me two very important messages. The readings describe a situation which I find particularly frightening, that is, the surge of a stormy sea and the vulnerability you feel in a small vessel in a vast ocean. [showhide type = “reflection”]
Job and Mark remind me of the divine might and power of God and the challenge for all of us to have faith in this. In the Gospel Jesus questions his disciples “Have you still no faith?” Life throws us curved balls and obstacles and it is a constant challenge to accept that we cannot control everything. The divine might of God, “even the wind and the sea obey him”, is much bigger than us as mere mortals and we need to have faith. In the second reading we hear that by accepting Christ into our life everything will be new and our human or mortal point of view will diminish.
By Kathy Bills [/showhide]
[showhide type = “DYC”]
Did you know the words SILENT, & LISTEN have exactly the same letters? Passionist retreats invite you to step away from the noise and demands of life … to just be! Passionist Retreats: Youth Retreat 15-18 years old Mon 19 July – Thurs 22 July cost $110. Young Adult Retreat 19 years plus Fri 9 July – Sun 11 July cost $140. Check it out YouTubeVid. For more info and Registering visit:www.passionistretreats.co.nz. Call Paul 022 682 6004 for further enquires.
Shining Stars – Preschool Music Group Thursday 9:30am Cathedral lounge. Contact Basia bmcintosh@pndiocese.org.nz
Facebook pages for our community are Diocesan Young Catholics, Manawatu Catholic Tertiary Students, PN Young Catholic Professionals, PN Young Marrieds, Manawatu Mokos, PN Young Families Ministry.
Passionist Youth and Young Adult Retreats will be running again in July. Register here https://passionistretreats.co.nz/upcoming-retreats/
Te Kupenga Catholic Theological courses are underway! Know your faith? See here to enrol www.tekupenga.ac.nz or contact Kevin kdobbyn@pndiocese.org.nz Next courses are Catholic Social Teaching and 1st and 2nd Testaments.
Festival One is happening again Jan 2022! Contact Nick.
Expression of Interest for World Youth Day 2023 in Portugal are invited. Contact Nick. [/showhide]
[showhide type=”notices”]
- Have you moved recently or are you thinking of moving if so, please notify your parish of the change in your address via email office@pncathedral.org.nz, leaving a message on the answer phone or visiting the parish office …
- Blokes Morning Tea – Tuesday at 10:00am in the Cathedral Lounge. To all retired men from all parishes, please feel free to join us at the Blokes morning tea!
- Volunteer Positions Vacant at Our Lady of Lourdes…Coordinators needed for the Hospitality and Greeters Ministry. The current Greeters roster finishes on 12 September and the Hospitality roster ends 29 August. Lesley and Dianne, who have been coordinators for these two ministries, have retired so we need to replace them to continue with both ministries in the parish. The coordinator’s role is mainly organising a quarterly roster and support if needed for those who volunteer on each roster. Please contact Our Lady of Lourdes Parish office, office@lourdesparish.nz for further information or to volunteer for the role. Many thanks.
- Our Lady of Lourdes School – Fertiliser Drive – $18 per 12kg bag delivered to your door – contact office@olol.school.nz or 063589727. Delivery date, Sat., August 7 between 8.30am to 12pm
- Saturday 26 June, 3pm St Peter’s Church Ruahine Street – PN Choral Society concert Puoro o te Ngakau – Music of the Heart. Directed by Alison Stewart with Toi Warbrick, Lindsay Yeo, baritone and Guy Donaldson, piano. Featuring locally inspired choral music and contemporary art music to celebrate 150 years of Palmerston North City. Adults $20, Students with ID $10. Tickets from Choir members or at door from 2.30pm
- Titipounamu Study & Joy: Online Sessions (Evening): Psalms – From the Heights of Hymns to the Lows of Laments! with Br Kieran Fenn. Monday 05, 12, 19 and 26 July, 7-8.30pm. Fee: $25/session. ZOOM. https://www.studyjoy.nz/events/psalms-from-the-heights-of-hymns-to-the-lows-of-laments-c2-a0-3/ For more information and registration: info@studyjoy.nz
- Muffin Talk Radio Programme recordings and video clips on religion, interfaith and community available at https://www.studyjoy.nz/category/resources/muffin-talk/
- Sunday, 11 July at Youth Space from 1pm to 4pm, GENERATION 2021: YOUTH KORERO: Attention young adults aged 15 to 25!!! Come along & have your say about two issues which affect your lives: gender discrimination & issues in religious & ethnic diversity. The conversation will be serious AND we will also have a lot of fun. Our focus is hope. A delicious afternoon tea will be served. For more info, contact Elza Gibu Joseph at elzagibujoseph@gmail.com
- The Hem of His Garment – The Healing Power of God: A one-day men’s retreat open to all in the Diocese of Palmerston North. Saturday 7 August, 8.30am – 4.30pm @ Our Lady of Lourdes, 96 Shamrock Street. Cost: koha/donation. Contact mo.hamm@gmail.com for enquiries and to registers.
- Please diary our meeting dates for 2021 as follows:
- Venue: Gathering Area, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit
- Dates: (1pm start time)
- Monday 16 August 2021
- Monday 15 November 2021
- Health and Wellbeing
- Stay at home if you are sick – If you have cold or flu symptoms you should stay home and call your doctor or Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for advice about getting tested. If you have symptoms such as a cough, high temperature, sore throat etc, it does not necessarily mean you have COVID-19.
- Wash your hands – Washing your hands is one of the easiest ways to keep yourself safe. Wash often. Use soap. 20 seconds. Then dry. This kills the virus by bursting its protective bubble.
- Do not touch your face – do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean.
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow – it will keep the virus off your hands, so you will not spread it to other people and make them sick too.
- Stay connected – support each other by keeping the connections and close ties to others that we forged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your emotional and mental wellbeing is important.
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit
[showhide type=”HolySpirit”]
197 Broadway Ave, Palmerston North
Phone 06 357 2891
Email office@pncathedral.org.nz
Website www.pncathedral.org.nz
Parish Priest (Acting) Fr Joe Grayland
Cell 027 777 8096
Email priest@lourdesparish.nz
Assistant Priest – Fr Vijay Dungdung
Cell 027 715 6654
Email fr.vijay@lourdesparish.nz
Parish Manager Steph Grantham 027-4408544 – s.grantham@pncathedral.org.nz
Catechist Kate Bell 027-6544004 – k.bell@pncathedral.org.nz
Music Ministry Julie Randall & Rastem Eugenio – music@pncathedral.org.nz
Newsletter Notices for all Parishes contact:
Claire Jacobs office@pncathedral.org.nz
In residence
Monsignor David Bell
Cell 021 257 6771
Email: monsdbell@gmail.com
Our Lady of Lourdes/Sacred Heart Rongotea
[showhide type=”OLOLourdes”]
Phone: 06 358 3667
Email: office@lourdesparish.nz
Website: www.lourdesparish.nz
Priests: Fr. Joe Grayland
Cell 027 777 8096
Email: priest@lourdesparish.nz
Assistant Priest – Fr Vijay Dungdung
Cell 027 715 6654
Email fr.vijay@lourdesparish.nz
Pastoral Life Coordinator: Kate McNamara
Newsletter Notices for all Parishes contact:
Claire Jacobs office@pncathedral.org.nz
Hospital Chaplain: Kathleen Field – 021 509 436
kathleen.field@midcentraldhb.govt.nz [/showhide]
St Mary’s Foxton/St Joseph’s Shannon
[showhide type=”FXTLourdes”]
Parish Coordinator Eleanor Jacobs
Cell 021 0819 2831
Email foxtoncoordinator@lourdesparish.nz
Website: www.lourdesparish.nz
Priests: Fr. Joe Grayland
Cell 027 777 8096
Email: priest@lourdesparish.nz
Assistant Priest – Fr Vijay Dungdung
Cell 027 715 6654
Email fr.vijay@lourdesparish.nz
Newsletter Notices for all Parishes contact:
Claire Jacobs office@pncathedral.org.nz
Hospital Chaplain: Kathleen Field – 021 509 436
kathleen.field@midcentraldhb.govt.nz [/showhide]
St Peter’s College
Contact Phone No.: (06) 354 4198
Email: office@stpeterspn.school.nz
Website: http://www.stpeterspn.school.nz/
Principal: Margaret Leamy
St James
Contact Phone No.: (06) 357 9719
Email: office@stjamescatholic.school.nz
Website: http://www.stjamescatholic.school.nz/
Principal: Tom Sheehan
St Mary’s School Foxton
Contact Phone No.: (06) 363 8177
Email: info@stmarysfoxton.school.nz
Website: http://www.stmarysfoxton.school.nz/
Principal: Mary Kleinsman-Powell
Our Lady of Lourdes School
Contact Phone No.: (06) 358 9727
Email: office@olol.school.nz
Website: https://olol.school.nz/
Newsletter: Our Lady of Lourdes Newsletter
Principal: Caroline Deazley-Gilligan