Newsletter 8-08-21

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8 August 2021

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

LITURGICAL PRACTICES – ENTERING THE CHURCH: Even before life was affected by Covid-19, there has been confusion in the minds of some people about what they do when they enter a church and then how to pray and interreact with people around them, especially before, during or after our public worship of the Mass. Taking holy water and blessing ourselves as we enter the church is a sign of faith, but under level 1 we have not continued this practice.  As we enter a ‘holy place’, we acknowledge our belief in the Holy Trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and with the gesture of making the sign of the Cross, we remember, Jesus, our Saviour, who gave his life on the Cross. [showhide]

As we enter the nave, the central part of the Church, what do we do next? Before taking our place in the pew, we genuflect or make a profound bow.

The church is a place of worship and devotion, at the same time it is a place where the community of the church gathers and meet to socialise, and various areas are assigned to each, so let us respect these different areas. When people gather their instinct is to greet and fraternise with one another in a friendly manner. Yes, by all means, exchange a greeting or convey an important piece of information with the personal friend in the same or nearby pew, it might be to ask for a prayer or intention for someone who needs help. It is not a time for a “full on” conversation about the weather nor our health, nor any other general topic. If important, say to them that you would like to meet up with them after Mass to discuss some pressing matter. Is it so important that it cannot wait? (I am old enough myself to know that some of us are forgetful). We should prepare ourselves for the liturgy about to take place and be aware that others around us may be wanting to do so.

We have people at the entrance to the church to greet you before Mass and after Mass we often have hospitality. These are the preferred times and places for discussion, the lounge and gathering area are the place to socialise on a grand scale, especially after Mass.

This might also be the time when those who wish to stay on in the main body of the Church for a time of private thanksgiving prayer. Let’s respect them as well as we can and use the foyer or lounge area for general socialising. The time over a cuppa after Mass is an essential part of building our community and getting to know one another better and trying to involve parishioners in the greater mission of our parishes. The danger most of us face is that we become ‘clicky”, i.e., we sit in the same seats and talk to the same person week in week out and not be aware of strangers or new parishioners. Why not make it a time when we introduce ourselves to someone we don’t know and engage in conversation with them and make them feel welcome?

OUR SOLEMN BOW OR GENUFLECTION: Let me distinguish a solemn bow as opposed to a simple nod of the head. It was the custom at the Holy Name of Jesus (and still is for some) a simple nod of the head; the solemn bow is a conscious bending of the torso at the mid-rift. It is recommended by the GIRM (General instruction of the Roman Missal) that this be done when one enters the church, and an acknowledgment of the altar or tabernacle is made. The congregation is also recommended to do this during the Creed at the words, “Born of the virgin Mary….” and again at the elevation of the Host and the elevation of the Chalice at the consecration as the priest Genuflects, or some cases bows.

The practice of genuflection seems to have become unfashionable in this present day and age by many entering the church. The placement of the tabernacle to the side, or to its own chapel, may have something to do with this practice, or lack of practice, as one is encouraged to bow to the altar. Once we were so ‘programmed’ that there were occasions when people went to their seats in the picture theatre they were seen to genuflect before taking a seat, much to their embarrassment and the amusement of those in the know.

The genuflection still has a place when one approaches the Tabernacle to remove the Blessed Sacrament during Mass or to gather a host(s) to take to the sick, or for exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. One genuflects before opening the tabernacle door and then again after reposing the Blessed Sacrament back into the tabernacle. Both pastors and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist follow this practice. Can I also suggest it is a pious act to genuflect to the Tabernacle when passing nearby for the first time to undertake a duty or just making a visit?

By Monsignor David Bell [/showhide]


19th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

1st Reading1 Kings 19.4-8
2nd ReadingEphesians 4.30 – 5.2
Gospel ReadingJohn 6.41-51
Responsorial Psalm
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

Today’s Gospel focuses our attention on our faith in Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist. Jesus is the bread of life. He gives us his Body and Blood as bread so that we may have eternal life. When we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist, our lives begin to reflect the reality that our communion with Jesus prepares in us. Our Eucharist leads us to live as people of the promise, confident that we will one day share the fullness of life with God. [showhide type = “reflection”]

Our hope is that one day we will share eternal life with God in heaven. This hope can transform the way we live our daily lives, calling us to be people of hope and expectation. In today’s Gospel, Jesus promises us this gift of eternal life in the Eucharist. Read together today’s Gospel, John 6:41-51. Jesus taught us that those who listen to God know that Jesus has been sent by God for the life of the world. Jesus fulfills this promise to us through his passion, death, and Resurrection. He gives us the gift of himself in the Eucharist, which is his Body and Blood, given so that we may have eternal life. Conclude in prayer together asking God to increase our faith in Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist. Let us pray …

O my God, I firmly believe that you are one God in three divine Persons,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I believe that your divine Son became man and died for our sins,
and that he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe these and all the truths which the holy Catholic Church teaches, because you
have revealed them, who can neither deceive nor be deceived. Amen.

By Loyola Press [/showhide]

If you would like to keep up to date with the latest, please register your details online at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit or Our Lady of Lourdes websites.

Please include your Surname, Christian name, Email address, Cell and Landline numbers, and Street address and which parish you belong to.

Alternatively, you can email the above details to, Please put “Registering my details with you” in the subject line.

Sunday Mass Times:

Our Lady of Lourdes: Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm & Sunday Mass: 9:30am
Cathedral of the Holy Spirit: 7:30am, 9:30am & 6:00pm
St Mary’s Foxton: 10:30am
Sacred Heart Rongotea: Every 1st & 3rd Sunday 9:00am
St Joseph’s Shannon: Every 2nd & 4th Sunday 9:00am

Prayer Intentions

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We Pray for Our Deceased: RIP: Ryan Marsden, Edith Ann Purcell, Alan Jones and Theo d’Arbois de Jubainville

Mass intentions:
Nieves Rincoraya (A), Josie Bell (A), Patricia McCormack (A), Sean Gallagher (A), Colin Brown (A), Sheila Butler (A). [/showhide]

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Carol & Garry Miers, Jean Kathleen Butturini, Bernice OBeirne, Barbara & Graeme Younger, Bernadette Conlon, Beula Aitkin, Bridget Beckett, Catelyn McCormack, Clive Robinson,  David Maeguard, Diane Stubbs, Deborah Green, Dorothy Speller, Evie Feierabend, Fiona Hurly, Frank Williamson, Freya Cuthbertson-Walsh, Graham Ryan, Ian Sutherland, Jason Donald, Jean McLean, Jesus Orendain, Joe Henry, Joey Fohn,  June MacMillan, Julie (Auckland), Hazel Probyn, Kay Fran, Kelly Clifton, Kerry Hocquard, Kia Reyes, Ludwig Gertzgrasser, Margaret Lambeth, Margaret  Caldwell, Marian Carey, Mary Jefferies Mary Mainwaring, Merilyn Savimaki, Mikulas Oros, Michael Quirk, Pat Kauri, Nicola Burmeister, Peter Morrison-Story, Pippa Richards, Patricia Harvey (Aus), Patrick Tobin, Raymond Jones, Rebecca Lauvi, Rose Waldvogel, Steve Horgan, Tony Murphy, Tony Nicholls, Tony Winchcombe, Vinnie Carroll, William Lemmon, Anna & John Feldberg, Margaret Maskill, Tyler & Allan (Foxton), Ruth Pentland & Lynn Nelmes. [/showhide]

Memorial Acclamation for the month of August 2021.

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Special Notices 

The Feast of the Assumption – 15 August 2021

Week of Mary from 14 August to 21 August 2021

(We are celebrating the Octave of the Feast Day)

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Te Ara a Maria – Mary’s Way

Our country was first dedicated to Mary by Bishop Pompallier on 13 January 1838 at Totara Point on the occasion of the first Mass. On Sunday 15 August this year the feast of the Assumption is being marked in a unique way at a special Mass in Wellington where the NZ Bishops will recall and remake the dedication (see WelCom for further details). We are celebrating ‘Week of Mary’ from 14 Aug to 21 Aug:

  • Saturday 14 AugustCome and See a special Light and Sound event inside the From 6.30pm hot cocoa will be available before the show. Please be seated before the 7pm starting time. It will be approximately 1 hour long and will feature the intricate details of our stained-glass windows displayed in larger-than-life movie form accompanied by surreal music. This will be a fabulous event – bring your family and friends!
  • Sunday 15 August Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is Aotearoa New Zealand’s National Patronal Feast. Sunday Masses at usual times.
  • Tuesday 17 August Cathedral 10amChildren’s Liturgy with our parish schools, followed by morning tea.
  • Wednesday 18 August Cathedral 7pmA Liturgy of Song, Prayer and Reflection followed by supper. Several of our choir groups will lead us in well-known Marian hymns, and Camarata will perform The Angel Gabriel and Ave Maria.
  • Friday 20 August Our Lady of Lourdes 2pm – A celebration in song with all the old favourites. Come along and enjoy the music and hospitality with a High Tea served afterwards. All churches – children’s art and writing displayed in the foyers. Children’s liturgies – more information to be provided


A Novena in Preparation of the Rededication of New Zealand to Mary Assumed into Heaven. On Sunday August 15 our land will be solemnly rededicated by all our bishops to Our Lady at St Mary of the Angels church in Wellington. In preparation for this, the Catholic Enquiry Centre will post a short reflection and prayer each day beginning Saturday 7 August on the Catholic Discovery Facebook page. We invite all to take part in praying for our nation each day. See the Facebook page for more information:


Website for Te Ara a Maria: Mary’s Way project. A website has been created to help promote the bishops’ renewal of the dedication of the country to Our Lady Assumed into Heaven. The renewal project has the title Te Ara a Maria: Mary’s Way and runs for 12 months from 15 August. Go here for the website: The website contains details of the project. It will be updated regularly to include the schedule of the nationwide hikoi of the artwork created for the project. The hikoi starts on August 18 in Invercargill.


Mobility parking for Rededication Mass, St Mary of the Angels, Sunday 15 August. Are you planning to be at the Rededication to Mary Mass on Sunday 15 August at St Mary of the Angels in Boulcott Street Wellington and would like Mobility Parking? If so, the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference can arrange free parking for you at the adjacent Secure Parking building. But we need to know how many people would like this. Please email Kate at by Tuesday 10 August to register your interest. [/showhide]

Silent Eucharistic Adoration Time Change at the Cathedral

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Dear parishioners of the Cathedral and the wider faith community, Eucharistic Adoration on Fridays at the Cathedral has moved from 11am to 6pm so that more people can spend time in prayer. Each Friday we will have Silent Eucharistic Adoration from 6pm to 7pm at the Cathedral, except the 2nd Friday of each month when we will have Praise, Worship & Adoration from 6:45pm to 8pm. You are all very welcome to spend your time here before the Blessed Sacrament! Blessings – Fr. Vijay [/showhide]

Māori Education Collection

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This annual collection has growing support. A contribution to something that works well rightfully brings a sense of inner satisfaction to our hearts. Successful educational outcomes for young Māori is good for all New Zealanders. Your donation is an investment for a vibrant, working, diverse, faith-filled NZ. It is timely also to thank the many people who support all sorts of families struggling to pay school attendance dues. Often this includes Grandparents or retired parishioners who do their bit to help out. [/showhide]

How to Discern a Vocation

[showhide type = “Vocation”]

Come to a Vocational Discernment Retreat – 27 to 29 August. Magnificat Retreat Centre, Featherston. Contact Fr. Vijay or any other priest if you are interested or email [/showhide]

 [showhide type = “thankyou”]

Thank you for your generous donations!

Online Donations can be made through the below mentioned bank account numbers.

For Planned Giving, please contact the parish office 06 357 2891 or for a Planned Giving Number which you use for your Code.
(Particulars): Surname & Initial, (Reference): Parish & (Code): PG no.
For Special Collection online donations:
(Particulars): Surname & Initial, (Reference): Holy Places (or) Easter Sunday (or) Caritas etc (Code): PG no.
Cathedral:                             02-0630-0288037-01
Our Lady of Lourdes:      02-0630-0288037-18
St Mary’s Foxton:             02-0630-0288037-07
Caritas Aotearoa NZ:      03-0518-0211216-00 [/showhide]

Prolife Facts

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PROLIFE FACTS #481: Ken Orr of Right to Life notes that prior to the passing of the Abortion Legislation Act on 18 March 2020, sex-selection abortion was a crime. Melissa Lee, a National MP, proposed an amendment to make such abortions unlawful. Her amendment was defeated by 70 votes to 50. The majority of MPs evidently saw nothing wrong in allowing babies to be aborted because of their sex – a practice that has typically focused on aborting female babies. A poll conducted by Curia Marketing on behalf of Family First in April 2019, revealed that of 1013 people polled, 90% opposed sex-selection abortion with only 4% in support. MPs who voted for such abortions seem unaware that NZ signed up to the UN Convention on Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. For more pro-life information, visit [/showhide]

Happy Birthday and Congratulations!

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Birthday greetings to Mary Jefferies who turned 95 years old on Sunday 1 August!



Congratulations to Lucy & Thom Saywell on the birth of their daughter Sophia Margaret Saywell. Happy Birthday Sophia! [/showhide]


Let Us Pray the Rosary

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St Mary’s Foxton every Friday at 11:00am
Our Lady of Lourdes every Friday the Rosary is at 9:40am, followed by Mass at 10am followed by Exposition & Reconciliation from 10:30am
AND every Monday with the Indian Marian Eucharistic Ministry from 4.00pm to 7.00pm for Rosary, Prayer, Praise and Adoration.
The Cathedral of the Holy Spirit every Saturday following the 9.00am Mass and every Wednesday at 5.00pm

All Welcome! [/showhide]

[showhide type = “covid”]

We are still under Alert Level 1 and remind people to:

Scan in
Use the hand sanitiser
Communion under one kind and we ask that you do not ask for communion on the tongue.

To ensure we keep everyone safe, we ask that you continue with the above practices.


St Vincent de Paul Society

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St Vinnies is desperately seeking:

  • A chest of drawers you no longer need. St Vinnies have had a request from a lady who would be grateful for a chest of drawers. Please contact Toni
  • Items for children including clean and tidy books, games, toys, and clothes.

St Vinnies is also needing volunteers, if you are interested in becoming a St Vinnies Volunteer, please contact Toni Bidois 06 357 6779 for an interview. Thank you!

To donate to SVDP, The Society of St Vincent de Paul bank account number for donations is: 03 0718 0047377 00. Please provide your name and email address as the reference for receipting purposes. Thank you and God bless. [/showhide]

[showhide type = “LinksToRead”]

Vacancy: Deputy Executive Officer, NZ Catholic Bishops Conference: The Deputy Executive Officer provides support for the work of the Catholic Bishops and their agencies at national level in the Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand. This role is based at the Catholic Centre, Hill St, Wellington. For more information, visit:

CathNews New Zealand:  Latest Publication

NZ Catholic Special Edition: Vocations

Kent Hoffman | TEDxSpokane: Every person has infinite worth!

Our Catholic School Newsletters:
St James School Newsletter
Our Lady of Lourdes School Newsletter
St Mary’s School Foxton

Get vaccinatedWebLink



[showhide type = “DYC”]

Te Ahi Kaa O Matauranga invites you to the Young Adult Mid-Winter Christmas Party. Food/Entertainment/Music/Fellowship. August 14 at 7.00pm at the Diocesan Centre. Please bring a $5 Kris Kindle and a non-perishable Christmas food item for St Vinnies. Please RSVP Kevin at or 021 755 270.

Shining Stars – Preschool Music Group Thursday 9:30am Cathedral lounge. Contact Basia

Facebook pages for our community are Diocesan Young Catholics, Manawatu Catholic Tertiary Students, PN Young Catholic Professionals, PN Young Marrieds, Manawatu Mokos, PN Young Families Ministry.

There will not be any courses offered here for this year apart from those underway (Catholic Social Teaching). For more information contact Br Kevin Dobbyn

Festival One is happening again Jan 2022! Contact Nick.

Expression of Interest for World Youth Day 2023 in Portugal are invited. Contact Nick. [/showhide]

[showhide type=”notices”]

  • Have you moved recently or are you thinking of moving if so, please notify your parish of the change in your address via email, leaving a message on the answer phone or visiting the parish office
  • St Mary’s Foxton no longer has a landline telephone number. St Mary’s Foxton contact information: Phone Eleanor Jacobs (Parish Coordinator) 021 0819 2831 or Email
  • Please support St James School with their Fundraiser “The Egg Project” at and enter the code SCH-002 to order your eggs online & Eggs will be ready for collection at St James School Office every Wednesday during school term after school between 2.45pm and 3.15pm
  • St Peter’s College: Open Evening, Thursday 12 August 2021, 6.00pm in the School Gym
  • Praise, Worship & Adoration, Friday, 13 August from 6.45pm to 8pm. Everyone is very welcome to join in our City-Wide Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit
  • Inviting all Passionist Family Group (PFG) members, & people interested in learning about PFGs, to Food for the Body & Soul, function Sunday 22 August, 11am to 4pm at OLOL. Meet our new national leader, Paul Traynor & PFG members from PN/surrounding districts. Learn more how PFGs might live more fully & simply (in body & soul). Please bring food for a shared lunch. RSVP by Wed 18 August to Jenny at: or 027 4187 906 (for catering purposes)
  • How to Discern a Vocation: Come to a Vocational Discernment Retreat – 27 to 29 August. Magnificat Retreat Centre, Featherston. Contact Fr. Vijay or any other priest if you are interested or email
  • There will be a Diocesan Liturgy Conference on 10 -12 September. The conference is titled – ‘Te Hahi Hurihuri The Evolving Church’ and is intended for all who contribute to the pastoral life of our Parishes and Schools. Details and registration are on the Diocesan website at –
    • Please diary our meeting dates for 2021 as follows:
    • Venue: Gathering Area, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit
    • Dates: (1pm start time)              
      • Monday 16 August 2021
      • Monday 15 November 2021



Cathedral of the Holy Spirit

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197 Broadway Ave, Palmerston North
P. O. Box 5279
Phone 06 357 2891

Parish Priest (Acting):
Fr Joe Grayland – 027 777 8096 –
Assistant Priest:
Fr Vijay Dungdung – 027 715 6654 –
In residence:
Monsignor David Bell – 021 257 6771 –
Parish Manager:
Steph Grantham – 027 440 8544 –
Kate Bell – 027 654 4004 –
Music Ministry:
Julie Randall & Rastem Eugenio –
Parishes Office Administrator:
Claire Jacobs –
Parishes Accounts Administrator:
Wendy Brock –

Diocesan Young Catholics Team Leader:
Nick Wilson – 021 822 814 –
Young Family Minister:
Basia McIntosh – 021 082 03750 –
St Peter’s College Chaplain:
Tausilia McClutchie – 021 509 439 –
Hospital Chaplain:
Kathleen Field – 021 509 436 –

Our Lady of Lourdes Church

Our Lady of Lourdes/Sacred Heart Rongotea

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Phone: 06 358 3667

Priests: Fr. Joe Grayland
Cell 027 777 8096

Assistant Priest – Fr Vijay Dungdung
Cell 027 715 6654

Pastoral Life Coordinator: Kate McNamara

Newsletter Notices for all Parishes contact:
Claire Jacobs

Hospital Chaplain: Kathleen Field – 021 509 436  [/showhide]

St Mary's Catholic Church, Foxton

St Mary’s Foxton/St Joseph’s Shannon

[showhide type=”FXTLourdes”]

Parish Coordinator Eleanor Jacobs
Cell 021 0819 2831

Priests: Fr. Joe Grayland
Cell 027 777 8096

Assistant Priest – Fr Vijay Dungdung
Cell 027 715 6654

Newsletter Notices for all Parishes contact:
Claire Jacobs

Hospital Chaplain: Kathleen Field – 021 509 436  [/showhide]

St Peter’s College

Contact Phone No.: (06) 354 4198
Principal: Margaret Leamy

St James

Contact Phone No.: (06) 357 9719
Principal: Tom Sheehan

St Mary’s School Foxton

Contact Phone No.: (06) 363 8177
Principal: Mary Kleinsman-Powell

Our Lady of Lourdes School

Contact Phone No.: (06) 358 9727
Newsletter: Our Lady of Lourdes Newsletter
Principal: Caroline Deazley-Gilligan