Fixed Parish Events

Praying the Sunday Gospel

Every Friday in the Cathedral Lounge at 11.00 am. Everyone is welcome to attend.

St Vincent de Paul

SVDP Conference Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 5.15 pm in the Cathedral lounge. For more information please phone Rose Semmens 021 153 4810.

Voice for Life

“To educate and inform; to value and protect the gift of all human life”. Become a member – Voice for Life Palmerston North – or email:

Our Lady of Lourdes Guild

Every 1st Wednesday of the Month at 1.30 pm in Our Lady of Lourdes foyer. For more information please phone Rose Semmens 021 153 4810.

Ladies Movie Afternoon

Every 2nd Tuesday of the Month, 197 Broadway Avenue, Cathedral Lounge – 1.30 pm

Blokes Morning Tea

Every 2nd Tuesday of the Month at Manawatu Golf Club – 10.30 am

Every 4th Tuesday of the Month in the Cathedral Lounge – 10.30 am

All Blokes are Welcome.