3 December 2023
1st Sunday of Advent
Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading – Isaiah 63:16b-17; 64:1, 3-8
2nd Reading – 1 Corinthians 1:3-9
Gospel Reading – Mark 13:31-37++
Responsorial Psalm: “Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and we shall be saved.”
Eucharistic Acclamation – “Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your cross and resurrection you have set us free.”
We Pray For Our deceased
RIP: Zelma Farnsworth (27/11), Mary Farrell (20/11), Fr Paul Shannhan SM.(19/11), Kenneth Rush (29/10)
Mass Intentions/Anniversaries
Raymond Waldvogel (A30/10), John Anthony O’Brien (A4/11), Tony Murphy (A20/11), Dan O’Donoghue (A25/11)
We pray for those in our community who need our prayers:
His Excellency Archbishop Novatus Rugambwa, Rod and Mary Bennett, Betty Donaldson, Sr Helena Fouhy, Dianne Jordan, Sonya Jordan, Angela Marlow, Michael and Mary O’Connor, Maurice Takarangi, Willow TePaki and Judith Wall
Praying the Sunday Gospel is held every Friday in the Cathedral Lounge at 11.00 am. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please note that due to the scaffolding and roof repairs, there will be no hospitality today, after Mass.
Special Collection – Sunday, 3 December – Annual Sick & Retired Priests. The Clergy Trust Fund provides for the well-being and care of priests in the Diocese. This includes stipends, food, travel home for ‘overseas priests’, retreats and all costs relating to healthcare. The Clergy Trust Fund is struggling to meet growing medical costs. Hence, your giving to this special collection is most appreciated, especially by our elderly priests who then benefit from your generosity. Your support is a great way of showing your gratitude to your priests. Many thanks and blessings to all who contribute to this special collection. Every contribution helps.
Daily Exposition for Advent – Beginning Monday and throughout Advent, the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit will be open daily Monday through Saturday, 7 – 9am. Anyone wanting to pray before the Most Blessed Sacrament, please feel free to visit and pray anytime during these hours.
Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, St Pope John XXIII (1881-1963) “O Jesus, present in the Sacrament of the Altar, teach all nations to serve you with a willing heart, knowing that to serve God is to reign. May your sacrament, O Jesus, be light to the mind, strength to the will, joy to the heart. May it be the support for the weak, the comfort for the suffering, the wayfaring bread of salvation for the dying, and, for all, the pledge of glory.”
Mark your Calendars:
Wednesday Evening Rosary – Each Wednesday evening at 5pm, you are invited to attend and pray the Rosary. A small group meets and prays the Rosary, says prayers for Priests, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the Divine Praises. The intentions of these prayers are for the Holy Father’s intentions, vocations, peace throughout the world and the conversion of sinners. Those present are invited to express/include their own personal/general intentions. We usually conclude by 5:45pm. Remember, “Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there among them” Matthew 18:20. Further inquires, contact Ian Sutherland 06- 356-7555
Pre-Advent Eucharistic Adoration Night Vigil – You are invited to spend time, of your choosing, with our Lord, during a 15-hour Night Vigil, Friday, 1 December, beginning at 6pm until Saturday, 2 December at 9am. On Saturday morning, we will conclude this special time with Mass at 9am. Forms will be in the foyer to sign up for the hour(s) you wish to spend with the Lord and ensures we have someone always present in the Cathedral. The prayer intent this year is for an outreach of the Holy Spirit in countries torn by war and destruction and to enkindle “PEACE” throughout the world. A Koha for SVDP Society’s foodbank will be appreciated and collected. This is a powerful way to commence the season of Advent, which is fast approaching.
‘Christmas Carols – 2023’ – Get into the festive season with this presentation by Unity Singers on Monday, 4 December and Tuesday, 5 December at 7pm in the Cathedral, Broadway, PN. A donation of non perishable food for the St Vincent de Paul Foodbank would be very much appreciated. Food/donations can also be left at the Cathedral Parish office or St Vincent De Paul shop, 252 Rangitikei St, PN.
St Peter’s Lunchtime Concert – Tuesday, 5 December, 12:15-12:45pm at St Peter’s Anglican Church. Featuring the incomparable Robert Cleaver entertaining the concertgoers with a fun programme on the pipe organ. All Welcome. Tea & coffee provided. A koha would be appreciated.
Our Lady of Lourdes Senior Anointing Mass & Christmas Luncheon – Wednesday, 6 December at 11am. Please note the change of Mass time from 10am to 11am. If you would like to come to the luncheon, there are sign-up sheets in the OLOL foyer.
Auction Fundraiser – Thursday, 7 December at 7pm, St Luke’s Church (corner of Thames and Tamar Streets, Rongotea). This is a family fun event, hosted by the Rongotea Bible Society Action Group, to raise funds for Bible projects in Algeria, Morocco and Iraq. You are invited to bring a wrapped ‘Mystery’ gift or two to be auctioned and you will, also, have a chance to purchase items being auctioned. All in charity and fun for a good cause!
Hibernian Catholic Benefit Society Quarterly Meeting – Saturday, December 9, 3pm at the Cathedral . All Hibernians are welcome to attend. Anyone who would like to know more is welcome to email Richard Law (Secretary) at richard.m.law@gmail.com.
Nativity Play 2023 – The Nativity play will take place: Christmas Eve Vigil Mass, OLOL, 6pm – If your child(ren) are interested in being a part of the OLOL Nativity play, please contact Donna Brown pastoral@pncathedral.org.nz. Christmas Day, Cathedral, 9:30am – If your child(ren) are interested in being a part of the Cathedral Nativity play, please come to our practices after the 9:30am Masses on Sunday, 17 December and 24 December. Please contact Donna at the email address above if you require further information.
Our Lady of Lourdes Guild Raffle – The winner of our Christmas raffle was drawn and the winner is Anne! Thank all who participated for your generous support.
St Mary’s Parish Fundraiser Raffle – BIG prizes – 1st prize: $1000 Cash; 2nd prize: $250 Countdown gift card…Tickets $5 each or 10 tickets for $50. Purchase your chance to win in the Parish Office near you.
St Vinnie’s Op Shop – Will close on Saturday, 16 December and reopen on Tuesday, 16 January. Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you in the New Year!
2nd Rite Reconciliation – Thursday, December 14, 7pm at the Cathedral. In the light of joy this Advent season, reconciliation and forgiveness is offered through a service with Scripture, followed by individual confession and absolution. What a great way to clear your conscience, look ahead and reflect on the birth of Jesus! Please join us.
Palmy Young Catholics – All 18-35 yr olds are invited to join us each Sunday, (after the 6pm mass) at 7:15pm in the Cathedral lounge. It is a great opportunity to meet other like-minded people, form new friendships and get involved.
Palmerston North Junior Youth Group – Only a few more weeks until the end of the term! We are still meeting weekly until then. Year 6 going to St Peter’s College are invited to help their transition in 2024. Please contact Tausilia tmcclutchie@pndiocese.org.nz or 021509439.
Saintly Gift – Searching for unique Christmas gifts? Look no further, you’ll find your perfect gifts at Saintly Gift! From cute nativity sets to cuddly plush toys, chewable rosaries, Catholic themed wrapping paper, Catholic toys and more. Make this Christmas truly special with a Saintly Gift for your loved one(s). Visit www.saintlygift.com
For Sale in CHS and OLOL
NZ Catholic – $4.00 Headlines – NZ representatives at Vatican synod reflect on experience, Changes to sanctuary at Dunedin cathedral, Young people debate topic of married priests, Transitional deacon ordained in Wellington.
Tui Moi – $7.00 These can be found in the gathering area in CHS and OLOL (by the TV). Please place your money in the slot provided. Thank you.
The new 2024 Columban Calendars are on sale in the Parish Office, $12.00
Viewpoint: Viewpoint
Weekly Themes: Latest
More Links: Mass Times and Pastoral Outreach
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