Church News 19 February 2023

19 February 2023
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading –Leviticus 19.1-2, 17-18
2nd Reading – 1 Corinthians 3.16-23
Gospel Reading – Matthew 5.38-48
Responsorial Psalm: “The Lord is kind and merciful!”

Memorial Acclamation
Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection, you have set us free.

We Pray For
Our deceased:
RIP: Cyprian Disuza (Dad of Pricy Elvis), Mons John Carde, and Mary Roberts.

Mass intentions:
Karen Wendy Quin (A), Teresa Matson (A), Ana Pakome (H), Barrie Goswell (A), Charlie McCormack (A), and Letitia Wapp (A)

We pray for those in our community who need our prayers:
Ana Pakome, Dot Bowe, Helen Donovan, Mary Bennett, Tulita & David Hobbs, and Wayne Dorn.

Mass, Prayer, & Liturgy Times:
Online Website Link

Ash Wednesday
7.30 am          Cathedral of the Holy Spirit
10.00 am        Our Lady of Lourdes
10.30 am        St Mary’s Foxton
12.05 pm        Cathedral of the Holy Spirit
7.00 pm          Our Lady of Lourdes
7.00 pm          Ecumenical Service at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit with St Peter’s Anglican Church. Followed by Supper

Caritas Lenten Programme 2023
2023’s theme is “I am the light of the world”.  This year we are offering a few ways in which you can take part in the programme.
Firstly, here is a link to the online resources:
For adults:
For tamariki (children)/teenagers:
The wonderful programme is offered in various languages.  Just go to the adult link and scroll down to download it in your preferred heart language.
Secondly, we will make a hard copy of the sheets for each week of Lent. They will be available in the church gathering area.
Lastly, we will run a Lenten small group programme. Please fill in the sign-up sheets at the back of the church.  Alternatively, you can email us with your preferred day and time.  Once we have collated these groups, we will contact you with the day and time that it will be run.

St Mary’s Foxton Parish  – Lenten Reflections are on Thursdays after 10.30 am Mass.

Also, remember to pick up your Lenten Appeal envelopes from the back of the church.

Tertiary Student Welcome Mass 2023
You are welcome to our Catholic Community.
February 26, 2023, 6.00 pm at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, 197 Broadway Ave.
Come and celebrate the beginning of the 2023 tertiary academic year!
Hospitality to follow at our Young Adult House, 25a Amesbury Street.
Need a ride? Call Nick (Manawatu Catholic Tertiary Chaplain) 021 822 814.

Next SVDP Meeting is next Tuesday, 14 February, at 5.15 pm in the Cathedral Lounge. All Welcome.

New job opportunity as Young Vinnies Coordinator. This role is open now. Applications close on Feb 24th.

Please contact the Cathedral office for further information.

St Vinnies

Our St Vinnie’s Shop hours are: Tuesday- Friday 10 am – 4 pm & Saturday 9 am – 3 pm.
We are now accepting donations of saleable goods. Thank you.

Flood Appeal – we need to help – please see the website for further details – click here

Last Year’s Palms
Please return your Palms from last year.

Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship
Next meeting Tuesday 21st February, 7pm at St Mary’s PN Church foyer. Prayer, praise and supper to finish. More info contact John Hammond: 027 688 7750

The Tokelauan Music Group
Will be having two practices in OLOL church for their upcoming Mass at the end of the month.  The practices are on Sunday 19th February at 7pm & Saturday 25th February at 7pm.  This is for 9.30am OLOL Mass on Sunday 26th February.  Please bring a plate of food to share for morning tea on the day.

Information workshop on the film ‘The Letter’
On 26 February there will be a follow up information workshop on the film ‘The Letter’. It will be held at the Diocesan Centre in Amesbury St from 2.00pm to 4:30pm.
The workshop will feature a panel of representatives involved in climate action projects in Palmerston North and Feilding that are well organized and successful.
We hope that the workshop will be informative, inspiring and energising.

Our Lady of Lourdes Guild
Next meeting 1st  March 1.30 pm. Our guest speaker will be Brother Chris Maney –  a Marist Brother who taught at Mulivai our Mission station in Samoa for some time. See you there.

24 Hours for the Lord – 2023
Come and Pray for the Healing of the World in the Presence of the Eucharistic Lord
9.00 am Friday, 3 March to 9.00 am Saturday, 4 March 2023.
St Mary’s Parish, 69 Ruahine St, PN. Please phone office 358 5614 to book your time slot or complete the form on the noticeboard.

Special Welcome to New Principal at St Mary’s Foxton

Everyone is invited to meet the new principal Phil Gunn on Sunday 5 March, 10.30 am Mass, St Mary’s Foxton, followed by morning tea.

Receive the Power of the Holy Spirit
7.00 PM, Friday 24 March to 2.00 pm Sunday 26 March 2023 at EL RANCHO, 58 Weggery Drive, Waikanae Beach, Kapiti Coast
Registration Fee $135 includes meals (Registrations close 8 March 2023). Onsite ACCOMMODATION available at different rates
Fixed Events
Ladies Movie Afternoon
Every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1.30 pm here in the Cathedral Lounge. – This week’s movie is “Breathe”: The inspiring true love story of an adventurous couple who refuse to give up in the face of a devastating disease; a heartwarming celebration of human possibility”

Blokes Morning Tea
Every 2nd Tuesday of each month at Manawatu Golf Club Café, Centennial Lagoon (pay your own only).
Every 4th Tuesday of the month at 10.00 am in the Cathedral Lounge (morning tea provided).

Wednesday Mass and Morning Tea at Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Every Wednesday morning, 10 am Mass followed by morning tea in Our Lady of Lourdes Foyer.

Shining Stars (Pre-school Music Group)
Every Thursday morning (during school term time), 9.30am in the Cathedral lounge for a Music Session followed by morning tea. Everyone is most welcome!


Charlotte Maretta Christopher and Seyara Kylie Fernando who was baptised last weekend.

It is with great pleasure and a blessing that St James can announce that the Board of Trustees has appointed Christine Cosgrove to the permanent position of Tumuaki (Principal) starting today Monday 13th February 2023

We beseech you, Lord, to continue to safeguard and guide them on their journey through life. Amen.

Charlotte Maretta Christopher Baptism

Christine Cosgrove, the new Principal at St James School!