Church News 17 November 2024

17 November 2024

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading –Daniel 12.1-3
2nd Reading –Hebrews 10.11-14,18
Gospel Reading –   Mark 13.24-32
Responsorial Psalm “Keep me safe, O God; you are my hope.”

Eucharistic Acclamation “We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection, until you come again.”


We Pray For Our recently departed, RIP: 

Anne Beckett (7/11), Julie McDonald (5/11), Martin Wall( 31/10), David Marriott (29/10), Peter Waldron (20/10), Gerard Fouhy, Terence Brosnahan (6/10, Taupo), Sister Mary Emmanuel (Eileen Frances Brosnahan), Timothy Hood (4/10, Adelaide), Louraine Nilsson, Josefina Serrano (Philippines), Sister Kathleen Fitzsimmons RSM (CHCH)

Mass Intentions/Anniversaries: 

Darren Wright (30/11), John O’Brien (4/11), Dan O’Donoghue (25/11), Bob Bowe (25/10), Ivan Snook (19/10), Margaret Carde (19/10), Alfredo Abayon Sr.(13/10, Philippines), Rosie Frost (26/9), Bert Frost (5/10), Shona Gilligan (11/9), Siemyin Rattanachatree, Raymond Paul Walduogel (31/10)

We Pray For those in our community who need our prayers:

Harvey Gunn, Belinda Blackler, Nicky Burmeister, Ann Toomey, Patricia Lowe, Janet Anderson, Maurice McDonald, Mikulas Oros, Rod and Mary Bennett, Betty Donaldson, Sr Helena Fouhy, Dianne Jordan, Angela Marlow, Michael and Mary O’Connor, Maurice Takarangi, Gye Beehre, Peter Angland, Chloe Young and May Young



  • ‘Holy Souls’ November is a special month to pray for and remember those who have died. For the remembrance of your loved ones, during November, there is a box of ‘Holy Souls’ and forms that you can fill out with your deceased loved one’s name(s)
  • Wednesday Evening Rosary Wednesday evenings at 5 pm, you are invited to pray the Rosary. For further information, contact Ian Sutherland 06- 356- 7555
  • Shining Stars (Pre-School Music Group) Thursday mornings (during school terms) starting at 9:30 am in the Cathedral Lounge.  Come along for music fun, followed by morning tea and play.
  • Praying the Sunday Gospel is held every Friday in the Parish Office Meeting Room at 11 am.  This is a time for quiet contemplation and reflection on the Gospel.
  • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament of the Cathedral is on Monday-Friday, 7.30 am to 9 am and Friday, 6 pm to 7 pm.
  • Anointing Masses: Our Lady of Lourdes Wednesday, 4 December at 10 am followed by hospitality.
  • Our Lady of Lourdes Mass Times: Saturday Vigil 5.30 pm Sunday 9.30 am Wednesday-Friday 10 am Friday Rosary, 9.30 am Reconciliation after Mass & Exposition until 12 pm.
  • Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Mass Times: Sunday 7.30 am, 9.30 am and 6pm, Tuesday – Friday 12.05 pm, Tuesday 5.30 pm and Saturday 9 am. Reconciliation before Mass on Friday and after Mass on Friday and after Mass on Saturday.


The Time of Distress

(Mark 13: 24  32)

Jesus said, “Take a lesson from the fig tree. From the moment you notice its buds form, the merest hint of green, you know summer’s just around the corner. And so it is with you. When you see all these things, you know he is at the door. Don’t take this lightly. I’m not just saying this for some future generation, but for this one, too  these things will happen. Sky and earth will wear out; my words won’t wear out.” (Mark 13: 28 –  31)

Some of us respond quicker to bad news than to good. That’s how the news media manages to garner our attention. Dire headlines grab eyeballs. We’re conditioned to respond to the bad, because the consequences of not responding can be costly.

Jesus does deliver some bad news in the gospels. Make no mistake: this world is passing, and it’s all going away for each of us personally and for all creation eventually. We can’t hang our hopes on the sun, moon, and stars, because even these mighty forces are mere creatures with built-in obsolescence. And if we’re willing to hedge our bets about the end of the world, wagering that our time will not see the end-time, then we’re still left to comfort our own mortality in the mirror every morning. Some days we may feel invincible, but you don’t want to found your future on a feeling.

Because gospel means good news, the message can never end on a dire note. Creation’s last chapter is coming, but the words of Jesus belong to eternity. If we’re looking for an escape route through inescapable death and destruction, Jesus is the door.


How do the words of Jesus bring new life to you?



God of our life, impatiently we stamp our feet, yelling “now!” Yet empty, we are filled with your life; desperate, we are gifted with your hope; unable to see your future, you open our eyes to faith. May it be in the waiting that we find you. Amen.


You may be in a time of distress right now or know someone who is. Seek the avenue of hope and life, and share your strength in faith with someone else. “Sky and earth will not wear out; my words won’t wear out. But the exact day and hour? No one knows that.”

Kid’s Corner

Where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer offering for sin. (Hebrews 10: 18)

When we take part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we tell Jesus our sins through the priest. When we come in sorrow for our sins and do the penance given to us by the priest, we are forgiven by God. Our sins are forgiven forever. They are gone. The weight is off our shoulders. Our job now is to avoid committing those sins again. God gives us graces in the sacrament to strengthen us, but it’s still up to us to do the work.

Take part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation whenever you can. It is God’s loving way of helping you grow into the best person you can be.

Jesus, show me how to be more loving and forgiving. Amen.


Cathedral Building Update – as we carried out the repairs following the fire, it was noted that our beautiful rose window had deteriorated and due to aging a number of budges (weight of the lead forces the glass to bulge) had been identified and was in need of urgent repair.  This work commenced this week.    The small windows have been removed, and replacement ‘plastic’ pictures installed for weatherproofing.  These will be taken back to Christchurch to be worked on and returned sometime in the first quarter of 2025.  Date not yet confirmed.  At the front of the Cathedral you will notice more scaffolding.  This is for the roofer to make repairs which will fix the leaking problems around the steeple which has recently impacted the vestry.  We thank you for your patience as we carry out this work.


Celebration of the Cathedral – 100 years!  Thank you to those who have signed up to help with the celebrations.  If you would like to help as a volunteer during the Jubilee celebrations, please put your name down on the boards are in the foyer for you to complete.  Sponsorship:   A huge thank you to those who have contributed towards sponsorship for our weekend. You can still support our celebrations – please use the envelopes being held in the foyer or else contribute online. Thank you!



  1. The remaining Junior Youth Group for 2024 are 19 November, 28 November, and 3 December. The venue is St. Pat’s Hall behind the Cathedral 4-5:30pm. Contact remains the same Justin Lino –


Interfaith relations is an important aspect of our Catholic life and work. The Palmerston North Interfaith Group works together to foster friendship between people of other faiths, working towards social cohesion and whakawhānaungatanga in our space. Since Vatican II, Interfaith Dialogue has such an importance that it has its own designated Vatican Dicastery. We are running visits to various sacred spaces in our area. All are welcome to come along and visit these spaces. If you are interested in finding out more about Interfaith collaboration, friendship and work here in Palmy, please talk to Julie Randall or Nick Wilson.

Calling all young musicians!: Festival One is New Zealand’s biggest and premier Christian Music festival. See some international and local acts on the stages of this festival! Powerful Christian witness! We are taking two vans of young people in late Jan 2025. Year 9-13. Expressions of interest to Nick!

Pope Francis’ message for 2024:  Search under Prayer for Creation at

Extraordinary Minister’s workshop today 17 November with the Bishop either at 11 am – 12 pm or 4.45 pm – 5.45 pm.

Bishop John Adams will celebrate the Sacrament of First Holy Communion: at Sacred Heart Church, Rongotea, at 9 am this Sunday 17 November. There will be a celebratory morning tea following the Mass. All welcome.

Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship: Meeting 7 pm, Tuesday 19 November,  Our Lady of Lourdes Church foyer. Prayer and praise, reflection on the Sunday Gospel.  Visiting speaker Mr Mike Lobo (Joshua Pakuranga, Auckland).  Light supper to finish.  For more info contact John Hammond: 027 688 7750

Notice to Our Lady of Lourdes Parishioners: Meeting with Bishop John – You are invited to attend a meeting with Bishop John Adams on the foyer at OLOL parish, Thursday 21 November 2024, at 10.40 am, after the 10.00 am Mass. Bishop John will provide an update of the consultation meetings held in July 2024.

Alison Stewart directs Songs for a Kiwi Christmas: Upcoming Choral Concert by Palmerston North Choral Society, Saturday 30 November, 7.30 pm, at Pathways (St Andrews) Church Street, Palmerston North. A presentation of joyous seasonal choral music including NZ David Hamilton’s “Christmas Crackers” in which Caroline Hickman sings the soprano solos and John Rutter’s fun composition “Brother Heinrich’s Christmas”. Piano Accompaniments by Myra Smith and Guy Donaldson. Admission:   Adults $25. Students with ID $10.  Children free.  Tickets from choir members or at door (Cash Only) from 7pm on concert night.

Unity Singers – present ‘Christmas Carols – 2024’: 7 pm in the Cathedral, Broadway, P Nth. Monday 2 December and Tuesday 3 December. A donation or item of non-perishable food for the St Vincent de Paul Foodbank would be very much appreciated. NB:  Food/donations can also be left at the Cathedral Parish office or the St Vincent de Paul shop at 252 Rangitikei St, Palm North.

St Vincent de Paul Society: Our food store is short of marmite, jam, peanut butter and soup.  Thank you for all your generous donations.

St Vinnie’s Op Shop: We have a continuing need for volunteers (3 hour shifts); now in our shop an extensive range of: Christmas decorations, lights, trees and cards. Also plenty of bric a brac for gifts and the usual clothes, toys and books. For more information on volunteer work and requests for need Ph 06 357 6779.

Advent Wreaths blessing with St. Peter’s Anglican Community: Wednesday, November 20, 7 pm, at the Cathedral. Please bring a plate to share food.

Divine Renovation Open House ‘Save the Date’ 22 & 23 November 2024:‘ Save the Date’ to the Divine Renovation Open House, being hosted by the Catholic Parish of New Plymouth. An ‘Open House’ is about building up your parish and your surrounding community and reigniting your passion for mission.

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE: 30 May – 15 June 2025 (Tentative Dates) Medjugorje is not just a pilgrimage, it’s an immersion experience into a rhythm of prayer; in a setting steeped in the Lord’s peace.    This past month, the apparition site of Medjugorje was approved by the Vatican; “parishioners are called to believe and to visit.”  Having now experienced 2 pilgrimages to Medjugorje myself, I’m experiencing a calling to bring others to this Holy place.    If you have heard, been curious, or know nothing about Medjugorje, perhaps you are praying for a conversion of heart for someone, or you are wanting to deepen your own commitment to prayer life; then Mary is extending an invitation to you to come to Medjugorje. I will be taking a small group (10-12) on a 10 day experience of prayer, joy and peace.  This will not be a holiday nor a sightseeing adventure.   It will be a full pilgrimage with immersion into Daily Mass, Daily Adoration, Prayer, Rosary, Reflection and Fasting.   A once in a lifetime opportunity to say“YES” to deepening your relationship with Mary and Jesus.  If you would like to join this pilgrimage, or find out more details/costings call Celia Thomas on 027 3250 169.  I am praying you will respond to Mary’s calling.

For Sale – Items available to purchase are located in the Cathedral foyer and/or OLOL foyer (by the TV).  Please place your money in the slot provided.  Thank you.

Columban calendars at $13.00

Christmas cards at $6.00

Daily Mass calendar 2025 at $6.00

Tui Motu – $7.00

Viewpoint: Viewpoint
Weekly Themes: Latest
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