Synodal Governance
Our focus in 2023 is renewed Pastoral Engagement with you and, through you, the world around us.
Over the last four years, we have been working to put structures in place that enable us to work collaboratively. While being three parishes, we also form a quasi-parish (see Canon Law Code 516). Now it is time to consider our governance structures.
At the beginning of February, I sent a document called Synodal Governance –Integration of Pastoral Governance and Pastoral Management to support Pastoral Engagement to the members of various Leadership groups (Liturgy Groups, Pastoral Councils and Finance Committees) for their consideration.
I also sent it to the Pastoral Team for their feedback. They will all offer their feedback via an online questionnaire by 28 February.
The Synodal Governance document is attached here for you to read – attached here
What is Synodal Governance?
Synodal Governance is the collaboration of the baptised (clergy and laity) in the leadership of the parishes. It is a collaborative governance structure grounded in baptism.
What is a Synodal Consultation?
A Synodal Consultation is a conversation among and between the baptised. Please talk with other members about this consultation and its proposals. Reflect on it from the point of view of the Scriptures.
Why a Consultation on Governance Structures?
We need governance structures that suit the reality of our current situation. We have a “quasi-parish”, and we need to build more robust support for each other across our parishes. We need to look at meetings that add value and offer ways that enable conversations to take place. Our governance structure, and the groups that make it up, must contribute to the overall focus of Pastoral Engagement.
The Proposals
The proposed changes are designed to:
• bring parish committees and councils in line with the reality of running three distinct parishes.
• bring greater collaboration between our three parishes.
• provide the opportunity for a greater sharing of resources across the parishes.
• offer leadership members the opportunity to work collaboratively.
• establish a Synodal Structure of Councils and Subcommittees.
The proposals and the consultation document do not answer all the questions, nor do they propose all the answers; what would be the point of a consultation if they did?
I have ideas about how we should shape Governance structures; you can see these in the consultation document. Perhaps you have better ideas?
I hope those with Governance experience will read this and see an opportunity to participate in the conversation.
All parishioners will be invited to answer a short online questionnaire later this month. Your feedback and the feedback from the Leadership Groups will create a new document that will guide our discussions and decision-making.
Fr Joe Grayland