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Kia ora

As autumn gracefully unfolds, it presents us with a tapestry of colours, a symphony of sights and sounds that invite us to pause and contemplate the beauty of God’s creation. In the Catholic tradition, autumn is not merely a season of falling leaves and cooling temperatures; it is a time of profound spiritual significance, a season rich with symbolism and opportunities for reflection.

Just as the trees shed their leaves, surrendering to the natural rhythm of change, we are reminded of the importance of letting go and allowing God to work in our lives. Autumn teaches us the virtue of detachment, urging us to release our grip on worldly attachments and embrace the simplicity of God’s love.

As we gather in our parish community during this season, let us draw inspiration from the abundance of the harvest, the passionfruit, figs, and the feijoas. Just as we reap the fruits of autumn, so too are we called to reap the spiritual fruits of our faith. Let us give thanks for the blessings that God has bestowed upon us, and let us share generously with those in need, embodying the spirit of charity and compassion that lies at the heart of the Gospel.

Moreover, autumn serves as a poignant reminder of the cycle of life and death. As the earth prepares for its winter slumber, we are reminded of our own mortality and the importance of preparing our souls for the eternal journey that lies ahead. Let us use this season as an opportunity for spiritual renewal, turning away from sin and renewing our commitment to live according to the teachings of Christ.

Finally, as we marvel at the breathtaking beauty of creation, let us lift our hearts in praise and thanksgiving to the Creator. Autumn is a testament to God’s infinite wisdom and creativity, a reminder that even in the midst of change and decay, His love endures forever.

May this season of autumn be a time of spiritual growth and renewal for our Catholic parish community. Let us embrace the lessons that nature offers us, and may our hearts be filled with gratitude for the abundant blessings of God’s love.

God bless you all
